This website is provided by Auroinfo LLC and shall be used for the purpose of information and for availing service as listing on the website. On making use of the website or any contents from the website, you hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this Terms of service. On the contrary of not agreeing to these terms of service, you are requested by Auroinfo LLC not to use the website or get any materials downloaded from the website.
The contents of this website are for your general use and information and to give you a brief idea of the products and services we offer. Neither the company nor any third party provides any guarantee regarding the accuracy, performance, timeliness, completeness or appropriateness of the information and resources found or provided on this website for any specific purpose.
You as a subscriber to the services do agree that under any circumstances, the amount of compensation if any is claimed on Auroinfo LLC shall not exceed the amount actually paid for using our service on any specific project. For example, under any circumstance a claim towards a website modification job would never exceed the amount actually paid towards the project.
By using the service offered by Auroinfo LLC, you agree to accept the terms and service as published by Auroinfo LLC on its website.
By Using the services offered by Auroinfo LLC, You as a user of the website agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Auroinfo LLC and all of their parent companies and respective executives, managers, officers, employees, attorneys, , directors, consultants, gents and contractors from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, costs (including, without limitation, legal costs) and damages arising out of or related to Advent Services. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for whatever reason.
Auroinfo LLC may, at its sole discretion, change the service and product pricing structure at any time without giving prior intimation. However, such changes would be applicable to future future periods.
Your use of any data or resources from this website is completely at your own risk, for which we shall not be accountable. It shall be your personal responsibility to make sure that any products or services offered through this website satisfy your specific needs.
The website content is property of Auroinfo LLC and all replication is prohibited. You hereby must agree to comply with all copyright laws to prevent any unauthorized copying of the contents.
With regard to the terms and conditions set forth in these terms of service, Web Design Url gives you limited right to use, access and present this website and the contents thereon. You need to agree not to interrupt or hinder the operation of the website in any way unless otherwise specified. The website is intended for your individual and non-commercial use.
The website is subject to change without notification. You shall not copy, share, change, replicate, transfer, publish or sell any information, products or services you found from this website.
You should take a backup of your website before sharing access details with us and you should keep regular backups of your website for data and website protection. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account. You shall be responsible for all use of your account, including any unauthorized use of your account by any third-party. Auroinfo LLC insists that you change the password as soon as the work is delivered.
The information on the website is provided on “AS IS ” basis, and all kind of warranties either expressed or implied of any kind whatsoever it may be, regarding any matter pertaining to any service, goods or of any kind including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement are disclaimed and excluded.